KPSS patent assignees to firms
contributors: Gin Xiaojin Zheng, Winston Xu, Siqi Xue, Kogan, L., Dimitris Papanikolaou, Amit Seru, Stoffman, N.
tags: metrics, market
timeframe: 1926-2022
description: We propose a new measure of the economic importance of each innovation. Our measure uses newly collected data on patents issued to U.S. firms in the 1926 to 2010 period, combined with the stock market response to news about patents. Our patent-level estimates of private economic value are positively related to the scientific value of these patents, as measured by the number of citations the patent receives in the future. This data provides an updated data series for KPSS values and forward citations, a patent number to the CRSP "permno" match and a patent number to CPC class match.
last edit: Fri, 23 Jun 2023 04:24:31 GMT