NBER US Patent Data Project
location: https://sites.google.com/site/patentdataproject/Home/downloads?authuser=0
contributors: Bronwyn H. Hall, Jim Bessen, Grid Thoma
tags: United States
documentation: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FyDsjZHhq7okHWMBOc_E7EquLUoAwwEZYtxw5M3UDTY/edit
timeframe: 1976-2006
terms of_use: The data in these files are freely available to members of this community. We expect members to inform the community of errors in the data or documentation and to provide fixes/improvements.
description: The main dataset extends from Jan 1, 1963, through december 30, 2006, and includes all the utility patents granted during that period. The citations file includes all citations made by patents granted in 1975-1999.
last edit: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 19:08:59 GMT