Patent Families Dataset
contributors: Kenneth Younge, Jeffrey Kuhn
tags: patent family, similarity
timeframe: 2005-2014
terms of_use: These datasets are provided to the public subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license. No co‑authorship is required to use the data in academic research — please just cite the supporting article.
description: Patent applicants frequently file groups of patent applications linked together by priority claims. These priority claims create families of patent applications that share features such as inventors, priority dates, and technical descriptions. By analyzing these linkages, each patent can be assigned a family identifier that it shares with other patents in the same family. This data set includes two levels of family identifiers (clone for near copies, and extended for more attenuated linkages) for each patent issued 2005-2014
last edit: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 16:38:43 GMT