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contributors: Patrice Lopez

tags: citation, metadata, identifiers, mapping, entity reconciliation


description: Framework dedicated to bibliographic information. It includes: -- a bibliographical reference matching service: from an input such as a raw bibliographical reference and/or a combination of key metadata, the service will return the disambiguated bibliographical object with in particular its DOI and a set of metadata aggregated from Crossref and other sources, -- a fast metadata look-up service: from a "strong" identifier such as DOI, PMID, etc. the service will return a set of metadata aggregated from Crossref and other sources, -- various mapping between DOI, PMID, PMC, ISTEX ID and ark, integrated in the bibliographical service, -- Open Access resolver: Integration of Open Access links via the Unpaywall dataset from Impactstory, -- Gap and daily update for Crossref resources (via the Crossref REST API), so that your glutton data service stays always in sync with Crossref, -- MeSH classes mapping for PubMed articles.

last edit: Fri, 01 Dec 2023 12:42:05 GMT